FACEBOOK ++†++ BL0G ++†++ FKN ++†++ IHT ++†++ N3 ++†++ SNUTZ

Team :| DanieL_BarkeR | LeoNarDo | HopPus | W@2 | NoV3l | 1juL | x3Ntr1x | Ari | Su93nG | jh0y | H3nDr1C0 | DDe5 | B1RoNX | BanDiT | bOt3x | Al4Y | Copzt3R | Faj4r | All Jakarta Hacker Team

9 Jan 2011


- 1 CT megang RPE dan RM 1 ct lagi cuman numpang doang biar nnti dapet pointnya terus yang mau di GB kan tu yang TERO
- bikin room DESTROY 3rd
- pada 1rd start rPE, Ct HeadShoot tero
- pada 2rd mulai, stop rPE
- sendlist address 28(HeadShoot) & 45(Respown)
- set timer 22000:5 ( JANGAN DI CONTINIUSLY ) ni bagi warnet yang pingnya di atas 4 batang alias masi ijo" pingnya
- send RPE la tu
- klo dah berhenti sendnya,keluar aja nah di sini la gunanya org 3
- kan masi ada 1 ct lagi tu lo biarin aja
- lo tinggal hancurin deh HELICOPTER or GENERATOR
- ampe 3r dan akhirnya anda akan mendengar RED TIM WIN ( GOOD JOB TIM )
- liat exp yg didapat BANYAK kan?
sekian terima kasi

- 1 CT megang RPE dan RM 1 ct lagi cuman numpang doang biar nnti dapet pointnya terus yang mau di GB kan tu yang TERO
- bikin room DESTROY 3rd
- pada 1rd start rPE, Ct HeadShoot tero
- pada 2rd mulai, stop rPE
- sendlist address 28(HeadShoot) & 45(Respown)
- set timer 6400:5 or 5900:5 ( JANGAN DI CONTINIUSLY ) ni bagi warnet yang pingnya di atas 4 batang alias masi ijo" pingnya
- send RPE la tu
- klo dah berhenti sendnya,keluar aja nah di sini la gunanya org 3
- kan masi ada 1 ct lagi tu lo biarin aja
- lo tinggal hancurin deh HELICOPTER or GENERATOR
- ampe 3r dan akhirnya anda akan mendengar RED TIM WIN ( GOOD JOB TIM )
- liat Point yg didapat BANYAK kan? ini biasanya dapet 29rban
sekian terima kasi

- 1 CT megang RPE dan RM 1 ct lagi cuman numpang doang biar nnti dapet pointnya terus yang mau di GB kan tu yang TERO
- bikin room DESTROY 3rd
- pada 1rd start rPE, Ct HeadShoot tero
- pada 2rd mulai, stop rPE
- sendlist address 28(HeadShoot) & 45(Respown)
- set timer 1800:5 ( DI CONTINIUSLY ) ni bagi warnet yang pingnya di atas 4 batang alias masi ijo" pingnya
- send RPE la tu
- klo dah berhenti sendnya,keluar aja nah di sini la gunanya org 3
- kan masi ada 1 ct lagi tu lo biarin aja
- lo tinggal hancurin deh HELICOPTER or GENERATOR
- ampe 3r dan akhirnya anda akan mendengar RED TIM WIN ( GOOD JOB TIM )
- liat kill yg didapat BANYAK kan? biasanya kalo kuat netnya bisa ampe 50rb KILL
sekian terima kasi

NB tuk setingan POINT suka ati mau pili yang mana tapi ane saranin pakek setingan 5900:5
coz kalo 6400:5 tu terkadang cuman dapet 2rban
tapi kalo yang 5900:5 tu ane dah nyoba ampek 10x dapetnya -/+ 27rban

Download Minimize Yang selau Update: >>KLIK DISINI<<
Download RPE nya : >>KLIK DISINI RPENYA<<




PASWOORDNYA :icadgodlike

Langsung aja download :  >>KLIK DISINI<<


23 Des 2010

Cheat Dogde Ninja Saga 22 Desember 2010

1. Enter Ninja Saga first and go to your Profile.
2. Open Cheat Engine and select plugin-container.exe if you are using Firefox in the process list

3. Select Hex, Array of Bytes, Also scan read only mem
4. Scan “a93f9a9999999999a93f”
5. 1 address returned. If there are more,select the address that ends with 6 (example: xxxxxxx6)
6. Double click the address so it appears in the CE table.
7. Copy the address.
8. Click “Add Address Manually”
9. Paste the address and add +22 at the end (example: xxxxxxx6+22)
10. Change Type to “Double”
11. Click OK
12. Change the value of this newly added address to “999999?
13. Now go fight, you will see that your damage is GODLIKE.
14. Everyone will now have critical.

Even your enemies.

nah buta yang gatek Kurang paham B.Inggris ini kang yasin TRANSLATE yh maav kalau ada salah kata maklum gak gitu paham juga heheheee, yang pnting di mengertilah.

1. Masukkan Saga Ninja pertama dan pergi ke Profil Anda.
2. Buka Cheat Engine dan pilih plugin-container.exe jika Anda menggunakan Firefox dalam daftar proses
3. Pilih Hex, Array Bytes, Also Scan Ready-only Memory
4. Scan “a93f9a9999999999a93f”
5. 1 alamat kembali. Jika ada lebih, pilih alamat yang berakhir dengan 6 (contoh: xxxxxxx6)
6. Double klik alamat sehingga muncul pada tabel CE.
7. Salin alamat tersebut.
8. Klik “Tambahkan Alamat Manual”
9. Paste alamat dan tambahkan 22 di akhir (contoh: xxxxxxx6 22)
10. Ubah Ketik untuk “Double”
11. Klik OK
12. Ubah nilai dari alamat ini baru ditambahkan ke “999999?
13. Sekarang pergi berperang.
14. Dan nikmati Critical Hit anda semua.

Gimana gan tertarik kan aku udah coba kok WORKKKKK 1000000000% dah gan di jamin tapi beda pc beda keberuntungan kalau bruntung pasti bisa gan smoga sukses ok.


8 Des 2010

Cheat Ninja Saga 1Hit With Cheat Engine/Cheat Ninja Saga 1 Hit Dengan Memakai Cheat engine(CE)

    - Saat pemilihan character jgn di play dulu !!!Contoh di bawah!!

    - Siapin jamu CE nya trus open proses browser anda

    -Download Cheat Engine Disini :   >>Click Disini<<
    - trus pilih array of bytes
    - centang ASROM
    - masukkan kode ini 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2 lalu scan
    - trus ntar bakal keluar 2 address, klik 2x address tersebut dan akan pindah ke kolom cheat table
    - lalu ganti value kedua address tersebut menjadi 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2
    - setelah itu kembali ke NS anda
    - and enjoy your game

Kalau Kurang Jelas Koment aja ok!!
    Credit :Snutz And Me ..


Cheat Ninja Saga-Baju Akatsuki/Clothes Akatsuki ..

Baju Akatsuki Download Disini:  Click
 Fiddlernya Download disini Gan :  Click Disini 

Cara :

1. Buka Fiddler2
2. Pilih tab Auto Responder. Centang Enable... - Permit...
3. pilih file set_01_0.swf dan Drag ke Tab Auto Responder.
4. Pada bagian REGEX ... biarkan saja apapun nama file tersebut
5. Ubah "Fiddler = Disable" menjadi "Fidler = ForceOn" di bagian bawah kanan firefox dan Clear Chace Firefox di bagian bawah kanan Firefox
6. Buka Ninja Saga - Gear - Pilih baju yang pertama kali dikasih oleh shin [ note : cheat ini tidak bekerja pada baju lain ]
7. setelah selesai kamu akan memakai baju Akatsuki

Credit by : Snutz and Me

Comment jika tak jelas !


Cheat Ninja Saga - Reset Stats Hack/Reset Status Jutsu ...

 Credits : God knows Syndicate

  • FIddler2
  • Firefox
  • 3 in 1 Cheat - DOWNLOAD
Steps: // fhax4u

1. Open Fiddler2
2. Check the options 'Enable autom...' And 'Permit pass..'.
3. Drag all files into Autoresponder
4. Clear your browser cache (The Most Important)
5. Go to Ninja Saga > Shop > Items
6. HAVe fun

 Kalau kurang jelas pakai Fiddler ..lihat caranya di postingan yg Lama yah... :)


Cheat Ninja Saga - Hp Glitch/Hack/Darah Dewa ... :)


  • Fireofox
  • Cheat Engine

1. Go to ninja saga. (Do NOT CLICK PLAY yet)
2. Open CE,
3. Click the blinking mini computer and select your browser(firefox.exe)
if you are using a latest version of firefox select -plugin_containere.exe
4. Setting array of bytes,hex,ASROM
5. Scan '28 00 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00', 1 address found
3. Double click the address
7. change the value to 'AA FF FF 00 26 02 00 00 03 00'
8. Click play and Have FUN!

Use at your own risk!


7 Des 2010

Cheat Ninja Saga 1 in 10

The .SWF Files

1. Buka Fiddler2
2. Pilih tab Auto Responder. Centang Enable... - Permit...
3. Buka folder mission_2.swf dan Drag ke Tab Auto Responder.
5. Pada bagian REGEX ... ganti ke REGEX:(?insx).*mission_2\.swf$.
4. Ubah Fiddler = Disable menjadi Fidler ForceOn dan Clear Chace Firefox di bagian bawah kanan Firefox
5. Buka Ninja Saga.
6. Have Fun deh

Tips & Tricks

This hack Features :

1) Instant Mission . ( Completed Instantly )
2) You can do Premium Missions ( Without Emblem )
3) 1 Hit K.O. Hunting House's Boss (All Hunting House's Bosses are very easy to kill (1HIT) Updated the New Boss Lv 55)
4) Added Special Mission 10K, 10.5K, 18K, 15K, etc. XP . You can find them in Grade C & D Missions . ( Limit is 2 Times of Use )
5) Chunin / Jounin Exams are Instant ( Completed Instantly )
6) All BOSS Level 1 (all MOBs of House Hunting accessible from level 1)
7) Gold Mission Trick/Hack ( Hardworking Student )
8) Added Giant Dummy · Aniversary BOSS
9) Reset / Remove Skill (You can now remove all the skills of an element and change / choose another element )
10) Halloween Missions are now Instant (Halloween Missions Instantly added)
11) Added Gold Hack # 2 (A fast and decent way to raise money, read Info)
12) Added TP Hack Mission (read Info)
13) Added XP Hack (read Info)
14) Added Attribute Points Reset Hack (read Info)

Info :
1) The new Gold Hack is located on Shop Hack Gold+Dreadroots Folder . Just drag it to Fiddler2 and start buying gold on the Shop
Note : Ninja Saga is banning any account that has 9 ~ 10 digits of Gold
2) The second feature is the Talent Point Hack, You must complete any Grade E missions and will receive 10 TPs Instantly ( Do as many times as you want )
3) The third feature, is the XP Hack , Its located on the Shop Hack XP+Dreadroots Folder . Drag it to Fiddler2 and you can start buying XP on the Shop
After you bought XP , You must buy Update Character ( Same Instructions with our hack located in AppZisTheWord! ) and you need to wait forawhile for it
to be saved on your character ( About 5 - 10 minutes )
4) Last But not least the Reset Profile Attribute hack : ). The name explains everything i guess.
Note : After you've reset your profile/character you need to refresh .

Brought to you sincerely by us ! Do not Abuse this Hack !
By : DreadRoots / All Credits goes to him : )
Instructions & Tips / Tricks by AppZisTheWord!



Cit 7 Desember PB